End-to-End Connectivity for Every Stage of Innovation

KeborMed's Connected Care PaaS: Your fast track to success in streamlined data handling. Enjoy plug-n-play simplicity, regulatory compliance, and freedom from development hassles. Stay ahead of the curve and reach commercialization swiftly and securely.
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Please fill out the form below to request an invitation to our BETA Self-Serve POC Tier.
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BETA version currently limited to the US only
A New Era
A New Era:
Introducing the Self-Serve
POC Tier

Ignite the potential of your proof-of-concept (POC) with our new dedicated self-serve Tier.
This ready-to-use platform is the essential first step in your solution's development journey, reducing complexity and facilitating rapid integration. If you're a student, medical researcher or an emerging healthcare startup, it's time to take your idea to the next level.

We make it as simple as plug-n-play to supercharge your POC innovation:

No steep learning curve.
Connect your project in minutes.
Accelerate your innovation journey
without straining your resources.
Regulatory Readiness
from the Start

From POC to prototype, to MVP, and finally production, our platform sets your solution on track for approval from Day One:

Effortlessly scale your
solution as it evolves.
Align with regulatory
requirements from the outset.
Reliable Data
Avoid data loss
during transitions.
Innovate easier
Connect smarter

Focus on your innovation while we handle the connectivity, at no cost to you.

Self-serve access
Tools and guidance to independently connect the POC, ensuring full project control.
Reasonable data limits
Clear, manageable resource allocation designed to support the POC without overburdening it.
Ready-to-use clients
Jump straight into development through user-friendly, pre-built web and mobile clients.
Streamlined Core Features
Curated set of fundamental tools, bypassing the need for custom extensions.
Upgrading Your Journey
Upgrading Your Journey:
The Prototype Tier

Our Prototype Tier accommodates the natural progression of your POC as it develops into a more mature version. It addresses the increased need for customization, provides the capacity for larger data volumes, and offers managed services to facilitate your project's evolution.

Prototype Tier Features:
Customizable Clients:
Customize the web and mobile
interfaces so that they best align
with your project’s needs.
Dynamic Data Limits:
Flexibly adapt to your data
needs, making sure your project
scales without limitations.
Custom Extensions:
Utilize our custom extensions for
enhanced capabilities, tailored to
your specific requirements.
Managed Service:
Our managed service
handles all the intricate details,
letting you focus on your project's
core development.
Building Blocks
for Clinical and Market Success

Align with regulations from the outset, preparing for clinical trials, and planning market entry, setting the stage for a seamless transition from prototype to full-scale development.

ISO-Conscious Development
Full ISO 13485, IEC 62304, and ISO 14971 support during prototype phase, for future quality, software, and risk management compliance.
Clinical Trial Preparation
Complete set of features enabling the future integration of clinical trials, laying the groundwork for precise monitoring and data management.
The Final Stretch
The Final Stretch:
Our MVP Tier

The MVP Tier is geared towards preparing your project for real-world application. This tier provides the necessary tools and features to handle sensitive data, establish quality agreements, and includes monitoring and product support. These additions address the demands of a more public-facing stage, such as clinical trials or user testing.

MVP Tier Features:

Sensitive Data Handling:
Robust security protocols,
enabling you to safely handle
sensitive data.
Quality Agreements:
To ensure proper communication and change controls, and follow regulatory requirements for compliance
Dedicated Instance:
Experience the benefits of your
own dedicated instance,
providing enhanced control
and customization.
Monitoring and Product Support:
Stay ahead with our active
monitoring and exceptional product
support, ensuring your project stays
on track.
Pave the Way for Clinical Trials & Full-Scale Deployment

The MVP Tier is a critical stage in the evolution of your medical device, bridging the gap between prototype development and market launch. By focusing on essential compliance elements and real-world readiness, this tier empowers your project to meet the industry's rigorous standards and expectations.

Clinical Trials and DV Testing Support
Line up with vital standards, to support clinical trials and DV testing, positioning your project for regulatory approval and real-world application.
Post-Approval Launch Planning from the Start
Prepare for smooth transition from regulatory approval to market launch, tailoring features for post-approval success in the next phases.
Regulatory Readiness for FDA Evaluation
Align seamlessly with ISO 13485, IEC 62304, and ISO 14971, ensuring your device's robust compliance for FDA evaluation.
Integrated Compliance and Deployment
Utilize robust documentation support, sensitive data handling, and full cybersecurity controls ensuring regulatory compliance and swift market entry.
Full-Scale Production
Full-Scale Production:
The Production Tier

The Production Tier is all about refinement and scalability. At this stage, every project requires a unique set of tools and services to successfully transition to full-scale production. Contact us for a custom implementation of the platform tailored to meet your specific needs.

What to expect
Bespoke Configurations:
Optimal performance with
tailored features and settings,
perfectly aligned with your unique
project requirements.
Scalable Data Framework:
A robust infrastructure that
seamlessly accommodates growing data
needs, facilitating smooth continued
Enhanced Security Protocols:
Advanced security measures,
safeguarding sensitive data with
utmost diligence.
Premium Product Support:
Proactive monitoring,
top-notch support, and comprehensive
managed service.
Seamless Transition:
FDA Approval to Market

Position yourself ahead of the curve by entering or migrating to the Production Tier, supported by our Quality Agreement, as you approach your FDA/CE submission. As you are nearing this pivotal milestone, our platform provides all necessary components for regulatory compliance, secure connectivity, and documentation. Furthermore, as you transition to post-market activities, benefit from dedicated support and maintenance, ensuring continued regulatory adherence and seamless device operations in the commercial landscape.

FDA Submission Documentation
Leverage our ISO 13485, IEC 62304, and ISO 14971 compliant Core Master File (MAF) on file with the FDA for regulatory submissions, reducing your burden.
Cybersecurity-centric architecture
Our platform is designed in full compliance with the latest FDA cybersecurity guidance, ensuring your device benefits from a streamlined FDA approval process and a robust post-market cybersecurity position.
Commercial Growth & Partnerships
Integrated Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) management, including electronic signatures and fully managed 3rd party APIs, facilitating seamless integrations and collaborations with healthcare providers.
Post-Approval Support
Rely on our globally scalable infrastructure for the ongoing management, support, and advancement of your MedTech solution, ensuring continued compliance and operational efficiency post-market launch.

Modular architecture

Our connectivity platform has a modular architecture that allows for continuously-improving connectivity. This flexible and scalable design means our customers can easily add new features, ensuring their solutions always meet the latest industry standards and customer demands.
Increased protection of sensitive information and systems, reduced risk of cyber attacks, and improved overall security posture. Ability to isolate and manage security controls individually, reducing the risk of widespread compromise in the event of a security breach. Easier implementation and management of security controls, as well as the ability to update and upgrade security measures, better visibility and monitoring of security.
Seamless communication and collaboration between various stakeholders, including functionalities such as notifications, alerts, video conferencing, and messaging. Real-time updates, simplified communication processes and streamlined workflows, leading to increased productivity and error reduction.
Accurate and secure data management, flexible and scalable, easily customized to meet the specific needs of the connected solution. Enhanced security by enabling the creation of secure data storage and access control modules. Easy integration with other systems, providing a seamless and efficient flow of data between different components of the platform
User-friendly interface to manage and access real-time patient data, streamline communication, and manage system administration tasks effectively, through various portals such as system/ tenant admin, doctor/ patient portal. The modular architecture enables these portals to be tailored to specific needs, improving efficiency and offering a personalized experience to each customer.
Real-time tracking, monitoring and management of all connected devices, enabling effective asset management and ensuring smooth functioning of the medical device ecosystem. Whether it's managing software upgrades, scheduling maintenance, or responding to device issues, the Fleet Management module provides valuable insights and capabilities for the effective management of connected medical devices.

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