The KRONIQX PaaS allows healthcare providers to create their own RPM solution using pre-built modules (portals,
apps, algorithm hosting and care plan management), that can be customized to fit any organization's exact needs.
Using the KRONIQX modules, providers can get access in record time to their own compliant, validated solution,
created under design controls, on a proven platform, without the high initial expenditure that usually is
associated with RPM implementations.
The Innovative Approach to
Remote Patient Monitoring
Device & connectivity technology agnostic
New data integrations available in days for any devices ready for data sharing
Disease agnostic & patient specific
Patients can be assigned to a customized monitoring profile or receive personalized care with a dedicated care plan
All components required for a successful RPM solution
HIPAA compliant cloud system, HCP portal, and patient portal/mobile app
Always matching the provider's clinical workflows
Through fully customized monitoring dashboards
Integrate once and scale as needed
Minimum IT overhead required, as KRONIQX monitors and manages solution maintenance, cybersecurity, and privacy
Easy to manage patients with complex needs
Multiple conditions, one solution
True real-time monitoring
Make patient data immediately available, allowing for quick response times
Device Agnostic Continuous Tracking
of Vitals, Symptoms & Medication
Doctor assigns parameters to personalized disease management kit
Patient enrolls and selects devices & apps associated to kit parameters
Patient uses selected devices and apps regularly to track data
Doctor reviews data via portal and actively manages patient condition