Push the Boundaries of Remote Patient Monitoring

Better implementation, more flexibility, better outcomes

KRONIQX PaaS empowers healthcare providers to build their own remote patient monitoring solutions using customizable, pre-built modules, including portals, mobile apps, algorithm hosting, and care plan management. Tailor your RPM solution to fit your organization’s exact needs, and deploy a compliant, validated system quickly and cost-effectively.

The Innovative Approach to
Remote Patient Monitoring

Disease-Agnostic & Patient-Specific
Enjoy fully customized monitoring dashboards that match your clinical processes.
Seamless Integration & Scalability
Integrate once and scale as needed with minimal IT overhead. KRONIQX handles maintenance, cybersecurity & privacy.
Optimized for Complex Needs
Manage patients with multiple conditions using one unified solution.
True real-time monitoring
Access patient data instantly to enable rapid response times.

Device Agnostic Continuous Tracking
of Vitals, Symptoms & Medication

Personalized Parameter Assignment:

Doctors set up personalized disease management kits by assigning specific parameters tailored to each patient's condition.
Enrollment & Device/App Selection:

Patients enroll in the program and select the preferred devices and apps that correspond to the kit's parameters.
Regular Data

Patients consistently use the selected devices and apps to record vital signs, symptoms, and medication adherence.
Active Clinical Monitoring:

Doctors review the collected data via a secure portal and actively manage the patient's condition, adjusting the care plan as needed.

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